Nissan comenzará a utilizar la música para crear comunidad


En Nissan son conscientes de que la música atrae la atención en la Red. Muchos de los internautas pasan la mayor parte del tiempo online escuchando música, mirando vídeos en You Tube o descargándose música desde diferentes plataformas online.

Por este motivo han decidido utilizar la música para crear comunidad en sus espacios web y aprovechar, además, de promocionar sus coches. Para esto han llegado a un acuerdo con Yahoo Music, los cuales se encargarán de la gestión y del contenido de la misma.

Jodi Harris, de iMedia Connection entrevista a Steve Kerho, director de marketing interactivo de Nissan Norteamerica:

"For us, this is an upper funnel activity. It is about awareness and familiarity. There is an opportunity for somebody to become a hand-raiser. But, the main focus is on the video pre-roll that we run, the rich media ads that we run, the games that we have got on the site. It is really about trying to communicate a product message.

The great thing about online is it has very high levels of engagement. This is as much about pull media as anything else. Pull media has very high levels of engagement; but, one of the challenges with it is, it typically does not scale very well. You cannot get the numbers that you get from broadcast.

But Yahoo Music is so large, and their traffic is impressive. So, working with them on an effort like this had multiple touch points for us. It had high levels of engagement, because it was pull media. It scaled very well. And it was something that we could have an ownership position in".

La entrevista completa aquí

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